The celebrations of Victory, Independence, or the 21st of February become a platform for a long list of so-called activist lectures, repeating the exact lines and listening to the same tunes till the following year.
I genuinely hope that when we mark these days, we will pause to consider a particular question. Are we conveying the right message to those who will follow us? Were we able to engage with the younger generation through the events we’ve organised for many years?
Even if the vast majority of young people are aware of the significance of the day in question, they continue to have questions about the goals of the events or the celebration. I concur with the opinion of our younger generations, who believe that celebrating something once and then forgetting about it for the rest of the year is a waste of money and time.
Imagine that the purpose of these celebrations was to educate and empower the next generation. In this scenario, we must reevaluate our festival programming, reach out to young people, get their feedback, and maintain the programme throughout the years.
I would like to request that our readers express their ideas and shed light on this crucial topic.