Renowned actress Nusrat Imroz Tisha has returned to the silver screen after a hiatus of eight months, starring in the film “Mujib: Akti jatir rupokar,” directed by the esteemed filmmaker Shyam Benegal. The film was distributed over a network of over 150 cinemas on October 13. The resurgence of this regal presence in the cinematic realm has elicited a profound impact on the sentiments of enthusiasts and spectators. The spectators were anxiously anticipating the release of his latest film. The actress captivated the audience with her portrayal of Fazilatun Necha Mujib, also known as Renu, in the film Mujib. According to multiple individuals, it has been asserted that Tisha exerted a dragging influence on the movie’s progression in conjunction with Shubo.
In contrast, the film titled ‘Something Like an Autobiography’ or ‘Autobiography’ directed by her received a nomination in the ‘Kim Jisok category at the prestigious Busan Film Festival. Furthermore, he was physically in attendance at the festival organised in South Korea and received accolades from all individuals.
The actress expressed her admiration for the audience’s affection. Upon arrival in the country, my initial observation was the message displayed on the mobile device. All individuals involved in the film’s production must exert significant effort. We exert considerable effort in anticipation of receiving comments from you. A distinct sensation was experienced during the execution of the task. Once more, there exists apprehension regarding the reception of the film by the audience. The diligent efforts have proven worthwhile, as the public has embraced the picture.