Shakib Khan’s life is the subject of the Hasibur Reza Kallol-directed movie “Satta.” Five years after the first release of the film above, the individual in question made a formal declaration regarding the commencement of a subsequent cinematic endeavour entitled ‘Kabi’, featuring the esteemed actor Shakib Khan.
However, it should be noted that the declaration does not mark the conclusion of events. It is worth mentioning that Shakib Khan himself was profoundly affected upon becoming apprised of the film’s narrative. He informed the director of his intention to independently produce the picture. Shakib owns SK Films and will undertake Kallol’s ‘Kabi’ production.
However, the ‘Kabi’ was unable to reach the shooting location. Shakib Khan, too, withdrew from the film. Consequently, the director was required to change their course of action. The movie ‘Kaabi’ has enlisted actor Shariful Raj to replace Shakib Khan.
Raj himself confirmed the news of Raj’s signing for the film. Confirmation has been obtained from the director’s conclusion.
Based on available information, it has been observed that Raj is assuming the character of Shakib Khan. At the same time, Idhika Pal, the female protagonist in Shakib Khan’s highly successful film ‘Priyatma’, is also cast in a prominent role. Radhika Pal assumes the role of the female protagonist, Raj, in the film. At the outset, the discussion is quite conducive. If all proceeds as planned, the forthcoming week will witness the film director, Kallol, travelling to Kolkata to formally execute the contract with Idhika Pal.