The official trailer for the upcoming thrillers film “Faraaz,” directed by Hansal Mehta, was uploaded by T-Series to its YouTube channel on the 16th of January. It is speculated that the film is based on the tragic event that took place at the Holey Artisan restaurant in Dhaka on the 1st of July, 2016.
The two-minute film begins with a shot of Dhaka diners enjoying their food at a café (probably Holey Artisan). Several terrorists enter the establishment while the patrons are seated and begin shooting them at random. In the first twenty seconds, the scene is established. It is scary to witness the first bullet being fired. As the scene shifts to other areas of the cafe, it becomes apparent that the terrorists are randomly shooting victims.
As headlines begin to break and the rest of Dhaka slowly begins to learn about what is happening, the Bangladeshi police try and prepare a plan to save the hostages held by the attackers. However, while they are doing this, the scene again cuts to one of the attackers as he smiles at one of the hostages and remarks, “Faraaz Hussain, Bangladesh ka Shehzada (Bangladesh’s prince)?”
It is strongly hinted that the film’s title is based on Faraaz Ayaaz Hossain, who displayed extraordinary bravery and stood up for his companions during those events before being slain amid the violence. While the police are frantically devising a plan to save people in the cafe, another patron can be seen defending the children from the attackers. The teaser closes with a terrorist pushing Zahaan Kapoor’s character and asking him what he wants. Zahaan says, “I want my Islam back from people like you.” across India on the 3rd of February, Mostofa Sarwar Farooki’s “Saturday Afternoon” is still awaiting approval from Bangladesh’s censor board on the grounds that it may harm Bangladesh’s ‘ima