Rozina will, at long last, make her directorial debut with the film “Phirey Dekha” after having an incredible career in Dhallywood that has spanned almost four decades. According to current projections, the movie will start playing in theatres on March 3.
The actress will not only direct the project but also play an important part in the film, which will have her interacting on screen with Ilias Kanchan. Only a year ago, the censor board gave its blessing to proceed with the project that the government funded.
Rozina stated, “I have put a lot of effort into this project, and I am really hoping that the audience will like my movie.” The actress also disclosed that the marketing campaign for the movie would kick off during the first week of the following month. In addition to them, Nirob Hossain and Orchita Sporshia will be appearing in “Phirey Dekha.”
*Rozinar chobi jabe story te