Pitha is a traditional food in our country. Bangladesh is known for preparing various types of pitha year-round. Winter is the ideal season for making and enjoying pitha. Pitha is best enjoyed during winter mornings. Pitha holds a significant place in Bengali life and culture. Many pithas are made using seasonal ingredients.
Pitha is commonly made at home, especially during the winter season. A wide variety of pithas are available for sale on the city streets. Some ingredients are currently only available at this time. Certain pithas, such as Navanna and Paush Parvan, are traditionally enjoyed during harvest festivals.
To make Pitha, you will need rice flour, coconut, jaggery, milk, and oil, among other ingredients. The answer to that question varies depending on the specific type of pitha. Cakes can vary in taste, with some being sweet while others have a salty flavour. Similarly, their texture can also differ, ranging from soft to complex.
Vapa (Steamed) pitha
Prepared method
Combine rice powder, salt, and water in a bowl to make the dough. Knead the mixture thoroughly to ensure that the dough does not cook. It would be best if you rubbed the rice powder by hand in a sieve this time. Combine half of the grated coconut with the sifted rice flour.
To begin, fill the pot halfway with water. Then, patiently wait for the water to reach a boiling point and begin to produce steam. To prepare the pita, lightly grease a small bowl with some oil. Sprinkle a layer of ground rice powder over the greased bowl, ensuring it is evenly coated. Finally, cover the bowl once more with an additional layer of rice powder.
To make steamed patties, gently press them with your hands. Use a damp, lightweight cloth to cover the bowl and position it over the top. Then, carefully invert the bowl and position it on top of the pot of hot water. Now, slowly remove the bowl. Please be cautious to avoid breaking the cake. After steaming for 5 to 7 minutes, carefully remove the lid and gently press the item with your fingers to determine its softness. When the pita is soft, it indicates that it is ready to be served.
Dud ( milk) pitha
Prepared method
To create a medium-thick ball, combine lukewarm water and salt. To begin, gently heat the chitai pitha and then wipe its surface with a damp cloth. Place a spoonful of the mixture into each cavity and cover them with a lid. After approximately four to five minutes, when the pita bread has formed, carefully remove it by pressing it with a stick.
Put the milk in the oven and set it to low heat. Please add cardamom and cinnamon. Once it becomes lumpy, please remove it from the heat and allow it to cool slightly. Heat a small amount of water and dissolve the jaggery in it. Combine it with milk and return it to the oven. To prepare the balls, gently simmer them in milk over low heat.
Bake the hot pitas for five minutes. Sprinkle half of the coconut over the curd, then cover and take it out of the oven. After 4-6 hours, when the pita becomes wet and soft, spread the remaining half of the coconut whip on top and serve.
Vapa (Steamed) Puli Pitha prepared method
To create a paste, combine coconut powder and sesame seeds by burning them together. Allow the item to cool completely. Please add an adequate amount of water and salt to the stove. Once it starts boiling, carefully cover it with two tablespoons of ghee, rice flour, and regular flour.
Allow it to cook on low heat for a little while. Carefully remove it from the heat once it reaches a boiling point, and thoroughly mash it. Now, fill the interior with sand, similar to how you would fill a lunch, and firmly press down on the corners. If you would like, you can create a visually appealing design. Place the bamboo sieve into the pot once it reaches a boiling point.
Place the pita on top of the sieve and steam it. You can also use steam to power a steamer. You can also use a rice cooker for steaming. Serve the pita hot after it has been cooked.
Nakshi pitha
The method is prepared. To prepare the dish, combine salt and ghee with water, then transfer the mixture to the oven. Once the water reaches a boiling point, add the rice powder and continue to boil. After cooling the pita dough, knead it thoroughly. To prepare the bread, ensure it is half an inch thick, and then cut it into your desired shape. Use a fork to create your desired designs on the bread. Next, proceed to deep-fry the item in oil. After a while, fry the food again in oil. Then, add sira and cook for 1 minute. Finally, remove from heat and serve.