Actress Rakul Preet Singh and actor-producer Jackie Bhagnani were very open about their affection for each other. In October 2021, they decided to go public with their relationship. Now, this star couple will take their relationship to the next level. Rakul-Jackie is embarking on a new chapter in life as they enter the realm of family after their marriage. The news was published by the Hindustan Times on the first day of the new year.
Rakul-Jackie’s wedding is scheduled for February 22. However, rather than having their wedding ceremony overseas, they decided to have it in their home country. Goa was selected as the wedding venue. The couple will exchange vows surrounded by their loved ones, including a select group of friends from the industry. They have also arranged for a particular party to celebrate with their industry colleagues in Mumbai later.
The relationship between Rakul and Jackie was revealed in 2021. Jackie solidified their relationship by sharing a photo of Rakul on social media to celebrate her birthday.
Jackie posted a picture with a heartfelt caption that beautifully expressed how time stands still when they are together. Since then, the couple frequently shares photos of each other on social media.