The Deol family has a strong connection with Bollywood actress Urvashi Raotela. This actress began her journey into acting under the guidance of the Deol family. He had the chance to collaborate with Bollywood superstar Sunny Deol in his debut film. They were cast together in the movie ‘Sing Saab the Great’.
Despite not achieving significant commercial success, Urvashi managed to capture the attention of Bollywood filmmakers with the unique formula of this film. He consistently felt grateful towards the members of the Deol family. In addition, he expressed his willingness to collaborate on future projects involving the Deol family. Despite the passage of time, the actress’s desire remained unfulfilled.
After a considerable amount of time, Sunny finally had the opportunity to work alongside Bobby Deol, his younger brother. They are set to appear together in the upcoming South Indian film ‘NBK 109’.
Urvashi is thrilled to have Bobby as a co-star in the new movie.He expressed his gratitude to the Deol family in a post on social media. One day, I had the opportunity to debut in Bollywood with this fantastic family. And now I am delighted to have the chance to work alongside Bobby on screen.
Meanwhile, Bobby Deol has again entered the conversation following the triumph of the film ‘Animal’.