The Cinebuzz Production Film “570,” directed by Ashraf Shishir (winner of Bangladesh’s national film award) and produced by Jyotsna and Sham Islam, is expected to be released on the 16th of December 2022. Additionally, there will be two premiere showings before the big day: one in Dhaka on the 10th of December and another in London at the Odeon Cinema Lester Square on the 15th of December. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s friends, associates, colleagues, Bengali and non-Bengali and family members will be among the well-known people at the premiere.
The film has already generated significant audience interest. 570 is a film about the assassination of Bangabandhu. The film was made by Cinebuzz Films, produced by Jyotsna and Sham Islam, written and directed by a National film award winner, and distributed by Cinebuzz Films. The film, which was written and directed by Ashraf Shishir, features Bappi Chowdhury, Masum Aziz, Kazi Raju, and Shadhin Kosrul in significant roles and should be viewed.
Besides that, the Pandemic caused the entire world to be shut down for almost two years, and if you consider the theme and subject matter of the film, you will understand why it took so much time to create this film. In order to produce work of high quality, my organisation adheres to the principles that adequate time, qualified specialists, and careful attention to detail are required.
However, a one-of-a-kind script written and directed by Ashraf Shishir, who is a winner of the National Film Award for Directing, resulted in the creation of a breathtaking masterpiece.
It is highly emotional and heartfelt. It is the darkest day in the history of Bengalis. Therefore, we wish to justify the story by producing a film of the highest quality so that the audience can appreciate our efforts. Jyotsna Islam, the chairperson of Cinebuzz Film, has these strong opinions in response to our question, “Why is it taking so long to produce the film?”
The movie is based on the life of the nation’s Father, Bongobondhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman. The story takes place during the final thirty-six hours following his assassination. Therefore, It was crucial and challenging for us to create a film of high quality. Sham Islam, CEO of Cinebuzz Film’s Production Company and co-producer of the film, stated that the director Ashraf Shishir, the production team, and our talented artists did an outstanding job.
The film director Ashraf Shishir, a recipient of the national film award, said the screenplay had been made based on the testimony and essential facts of the Bangabandhu assassination case filed in 1996.
What happened in the 36 hours after Bangabandhu’s family was killed? That scene. A few ex-army officers brutally murdered Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family on the 15th of August 1975. This day is considered the most mournful in the history of Bangladesh.
Bappi Chowdhury claimed that the director told him the entirety of the movie’s plot in around four hours. After hearing that, he sobbed his heart out. According to him, the occurrences cannot be tolerated in any capacity. The film’s characters and narrative derive from the original story. As a result, a letter stating that the Bangabandhu Memorial Trust has no objections to the proposal has been obtained from them.
When asked about the meaning behind the movie’s title, Bappi Chowdhury stated, “Behind this title is a tale of great pain.” In the film, I was present alongside other army soldiers as the body of Bangabandhu was transported by helicopter. After arriving at Tungipara, there was constant pressure from the army headquarters for a speedy burial to be carried out. The maximum time limit is 15 minutes. In addition, there is an instruction to not perform any Islamic rite in burying Bangabandhu, such as bathing the body before burial. Despite this, Huzur refused to bury the body without a wash and janaza. In addition to the persistent pressure from Dhaka, The body was washed with 570 soap, a soap often used for cleaning soiled clothing. This is where the film’s name was originally derived.
Bappi Chowdhury also stated, “The assassination of Bangabandhu and his family is common knowledge. However, most citizens are unaware of what transpired a few hours after the assassination of the nation’s founder. For example, how and why was the body transported from Dhaka residence 32 to Tungipara? What was the burial procedure? These answers will be revealed in this film.
It is essential to have a strong understanding of the fact that 570 is more than just a number or a brand name. Because of its association with the country’s founders, the number 570 carries a wealth of historical and symbolic significance. Let us, therefore, collaborate to disseminate historical information around the world. The final comments made by the Chief Executive Officer of the company