NTV’s cooking show “Cooking Queen Season 3” grand finale was held in the UK on 17th March 2022, with the top 6th finalist. From all the contestants of Cooking Queen season 3, they awarded the top 3 finalists for this season. These top 6 finalists competed in the final episode on the tough challenges given by the judges.
Helena Parvin Ruma is the third season’s winner of Cooking Queen. Fatema Chowdhury finished first in the Cooking Queen season 3 grand finale. The show’s second runner-up is Lily Nabi. Congratulations to all of the other participants.
Well done to all the other participants, “NTV Europe CEO Sabrina Hossain said. With tremendous gratitude to everyone who attended, our judges, sponsors, and supporters. Thanks to NTV Europe’s management team, marketing team, and production team for making it possible, and a special thanks to all our viewers for their love and feedback. NTV, Sky channel 780, is committed to bringing the best to our beloved community.
“Many thanks to Sabrina Hossain, Chief Executive Officer of NTV Europe, for bringing such a wonderful programme,” said Deputy Mayor Jyotsna Islam. I commend and salute all of the participants for their courage. Women are breaking into the mail-dominated industry. I believe it is not too late to enjoy the taste of our Bengali woman by burning Pentium.