Snake nuisance & public panic


When people hear about snakes, they tremble with fear of the unknown. Many people try to kill the snake on sight. Many assert their power and strength by killing snakes. Ignorance about snakes, lack of proper scientific knowledge, and belief in superstitions are the main reasons.

According to snake experts and researchers, snakes are very fearsome reptiles. Snake infestations increase during monsoons. About 103 species of snakes are found in Bangladesh, of which 28 are poisonous. Other species are non-venomous. Out of 28 species of venomous snakes, 13 are marine, and not all of the remaining 15 species are found. Among the poisonous snakes in our country, Chandrabora, Padma Gokhara, Gokhra, Kalach, Sindhukalach, Kalkeute, Red-throated snake, Green Bora, Shankhachud, and Sankhini species are found.

Tendency to bite: Most snakes are harmless and calm-natured. Does not bite anyone easily. Snakes may bite in self-defence if they are buried under a person’s foot, sense danger, are disturbed, frightened, or come into contact with someone’s body. Even then, the number of non-venomous bites is high. Because poison is a valuable weapon for snakes.

Type of Bite: Where a venomous snake bites, multiple or single tooth marks can be clearly seen. And if many lined tooth lesions are seen, then it should be understood that it is a non-venomous snake bite.

Symptoms of a venomous snake bite may include eye twitching, drowsiness, or complete eye closure. The neck will be tilted to one side, the neck will be broken and curved, and the tongue will be crooked with slurred speech. Such a person will not be able to sit up straight or recognise people and will want to lie down. The bite site may swell, blister, or ulcerate. Blood cannot clot because the blood cells are broken. Blood vessels can be torn, and tissue can be damaged. Blisters may burst and bleed profusely. Severe abdominal pain and kidney damage may occur. The internal organs of the body are affected, causing vomiting of blood, blood in the stool, and blood in the urine. Urination may stop.

Common medical mistakes include going to Ojha or Kaviraj immediately after a snake bite. Cutting the bite area with a blade. Sucking blood through the mouth, etc. Playing various musical instruments, singing in groups, smoking, and shaking the bitten person.

Treatment: Give mental courage to the patient. As soon as it is confirmed that he has been bitten by a poisonous snake, without wasting time, take him to Upazila Health Complex, General Hospital, or Medical College Hospital, where antivenom is available. No acid or chilli powder should be applied to the bite site.

Do not apply any amulets, oils, pills, etc. Immediate use of motor cycles for vehicles so as not to waste time Immobilise limbs and other parts of the body; immobilise the bitten person. It is important to seek treatment within two hours of being bitten by a venomous snake. If bitten by a snake, remove rings, necklaces, bracelets, and watches immediately. Don’t panic; if you are too nervous, your morale will be broken. Above all, seek the help of Almighty Allah, who can save you in a moment.

Ways and precautions to get rid of snake bites: Clearing the bushes and forests around the house, if there are any. If there are rat holes, fill them up. Use a torch light when going out at night. Use of gumboots or hand gloves as necessary for those involved in large-field production of agricultural crops or grazing of domestic animals Holes, brick piles, wood piles, haystacks, rubble piles, rock crevices in the house yard, boots, or shoes should be carefully inspected before putting them on. Walking with a stick while walking in the dark. If ever a snake falls in front of you, stand without fear or use an alternate route with caution. Do not show yourself off or try to capture any snake, dead or alive, venomous or non-venomous. Because live snakes can lie down, pretending to be dead. Before going to bed at night, take a good look around the bed or shake the sheets, pillow, cover, and bedclothes well, and hang mosquito nets before going to sleep. Take a good look at the light before getting out of bed at night. If there is a snake infestation in the yard of the house, clean the surroundings and arrange to sprinkle bleaching powder in a moderate amount once a week. Make a noise with a stick before collecting hay or wood from a haystack or woodpile at home.

Only careful movement can protect people from snake bites. Snakes will live freely in nature with our responsible behaviour.

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