Shilpa Shetty, a well-known Bollywood actress, is making a much-awaited comeback to the movie industry with her upcoming film “Sukhee”. She has been chosen to play the character of Sukhpreet Karla, a housewife, in the movie. Using her social media accounts, she announced the official release date of the film and unveiled a new promotional poster for the movie. Shilpa Shetty is famous for her role in the movie “Dhadkan”.
She captioned her post, “This story is mine, yours — it’s everyone’s. So, meet Sukhpreet Karla, aka ‘Sukhee’, who is just like all of us, and delve into my world. Only in theatres from September 22.”
“Sukhee” portrays the life of a middle-aged Punjabi woman who sets out for Delhi with her friends to attend their school’s reunion. However, the journey leads her to rediscover herself as a mother, housewife and as a woman.
Sharing about “Sukhee”, the makers of the film told media outlets, “Sukhee relives the 17-year-old version of herself whilst going through a plethora of experiences and emotions, and making the most difficult transition in her life — from being a wife and a mother to being a woman again.”
Directed by Sonal Joshi, the film also casts Kusha Kapila, Dilnaz Irani, Pavleen Gujral, Chaitanya Choudhry and Amit Sadh. “Sukhee”, which marks Sonal Joshi’s directorial debut, is set to premiere in Indian theatres on September 22.