Sanjay Samaddar, a renowned Bangladeshi director, is focusing on the well-known Tollywood actor Jeet when producing the movie “Manush.” On November 24th, Jeet’s movie is due for release in India. The promotional materials, including the poster and teaser, for the film have already been unveiled. It has been ascertained that the film will be released in Bangladesh concurrently with its release in India.
According to director Sanjay Samaddar, he expressed his utmost satisfaction at the prospect of the film Manush being distributed concurrently with its premiere in India. To the best of my knowledge, Aziz Bhai from Jazz Multimedia is endeavouring to facilitate the release of the film above in Bangladesh within a single day.
To ascertain the progress of the film’s release in Bangladesh, an inquiry was made to Abdul Aziz, the esteemed leader of Jazz Multimedia.
Abdul Aziz informed the media that the release of manus in Bangladesh would coincide with that in India. I intend to apply to the ministry. If authorization is given, individuals will be released in India and Bangladesh on November 24th. The film’s narrative encompasses a blend of positive and negative experiences, containing the sufferings and joys inherent in the human condition.
The movie also featured the participation of Bangladeshi actress Vidya Sinha Mim, who shared the screen alongside Jeet. Additionally, the cast includes Jeetu Kamal and Sushmita Chatterjee.