Amidst her candid remarks on the Bollywood industry, Kangana Ranaut has recently released a preview of her upcoming film titled “Emergency”. Kangana’s second directorial venture features her in the role of former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, which is eagerly anticipated by her fans.
In a recent post on her social media platforms, Kangana provided a caption that reads, “Is the individual in question serving as a safeguard or an authoritarian figure?” Observe the bleakest period in our nation’s history, wherein the head of state initiated a conflict against its citizens. The film ‘Emergency’ is scheduled to be released globally on 24th November.
The film was scheduled to be released on 20th October alongside Vikas Bahl’s “Ganapath-Part 1”, yet has now shifted to 24th November, 2023.
Kangana Ranaut, also the film “Emergency” producer, had previously disclosed that she had pledged all of her assets to finance the film’s production above. During a separate instance of addressing the press, she expressed that the “Emergency” is a crucial and sad period in our nation’s past that the youth of India should be acquainted with.
In addition to the lead actress Kangana, the film “Emergency” features prominent actors such as Satish Kaushik, Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Mahima Chaudhry, and Milind Soman in significant roles.