Shanaya Kapoor, the daughter of Sanjay Kapoor, is set to make her debut in Hindi cinema with Karan Johar’s “Vedhdak.” In addition, she will be seen in the upcoming pan-Indian film “Vrishabha” alongside Mohanlal.
According to the press release, Shanaya will play a pivotal role in the film as a time traveller who bridges the distance between the past and the present in this epic action comedy.
The upcoming Telugu-Malayalam film will have Mohanlal as the lead actor, with Nanda Kishore as the director. Zahrah S. Khan, the daughter of Salma Agha, will also be a part of the cast. Furthermore, Roshan Meka has been confirmed to appear in the movie.
The film will go into production later in July. AVS Studios, First Step Movies, and Balaji Telefilms produced the movie.
The film is slated to hit theatres in 2024 in Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and Hindi.