At the beginning of September the year before, a small screen producer named Himu Akram revealed that West Bengali actress Swastika Mukhopadhyay would be playing the lead part in the movie Altabanu Jochhana Zheeni. At that moment, he had no idea who would be standing opposite her. Later, Swastika learned of the search for a hero to save her. About eight months later, word leaked that Swastika had found a hero.
His name is Shariful Raj. Bengal Multimedia cast Raj opposite Swastika in the movie Altabanu Jochna Jeheni. The news originated from the producing company’s source. According to them, Shariful Raj is the complete antithesis of Swastika. We are currently observing the date and anticipating the shooting to begin.
Raj hesitated to comment when asked about the incident.