During a recent interview, Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan confirmed that her brother, Ibrahim Ali Khan, is all set to make his Bollywood debut as an actor. Although Ibrahim has been spotted assisting Karan Johar on the “Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani” sets, he has not officially disclosed details about his entry into the industry. However, Sara shared that Ibrahim has recently completed filming his first movie as an actor.
Both Sara and Ibrahim are the children of Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh, who separated in 2004. Sara debuted in Bollywood with the film “Kedarnath”, and now Ibrahim is following in her footsteps.
“You know, he just finished shooting his first film as an actor, which I can’t believe. Yes, he has, and whenever he comes home, whether from school or a shoot, we treat him with the utmost love and care. This realisation made me understand that I possess my mother’s nurturing heart, as we similarly treat Ibrahim,” said Sara.
There were previous reports of Ibrahim making his acting debut in a Karan Johar film, but no official announcement was made. Ibrahim is often in the news due to his striking resemblance with his father, Saif, while Sara is often compared to her mother, Amrita Singh.
The siblings share a close bond with Saif and are often seen spending time together. Sara is promoting her upcoming film “Zara Hatke Zara Bachke” alongside co-star Vicky Kaushal after her return from the Cannes Film Festival.