Saif Ali Khan’s son Ibrahim Ali Khan is set to make his B-Town debut with family-friend Karan Johar’s production house. His sister, Sara Ali Khan, has already made her place in Bollywood, having acted beside big names like Akshay Kumar and Dhanush. Dharma Productions has announced that the film is being called “Sarzameen” and will be directed by Kayoze Irani. Ibrahim reportedly won’t have a leading lady in this film and will be playing the role of a soldier, saying he didn’t want a conventional debut.
According to a source, “Ibrahim is far more committed to his project than his father Saif was at the beginning of his career. This is because Ibrahim has been in preparation for the longest time. He has been on a strict diet regime and physical training for months. So as he leaves for the shooting, he is fully equipped to handle his complex role.”