Parthana Fardeen Dighi’s promising debut as a young performer on the silver screen has propelled her acting career to prominence. Over time, she has successfully collaborated with numerous contemporary icons, showcasing her talent and versatility.
“Dighi’s role as the main character in Shakib Khan’s films is essential for effective storytelling. Despite the chance to work with the star, she chose not to become a heroine.
Dighi has articulated her preference not to engage in a romantic relationship with Shakib Khan. She also highlighted the successful production of the film “Chachchu Amar Chachchu,” with the involvement of Shakib’s uncle, and expressed concerns about public perception.
Furthermore, Dighi emphasised the importance of a meaningful narrative and expressed her willingness to work with Shakib if the character’s storyline aligns with her professional values. She also stressed the significance of creating films with substantial content rather than focusing solely on profit.”