Pauly Dam, a well-known West Bengali actress, will star in the film directed by Bangladeshi filmmaker Arefin. Within the role, she will portray Laila, the female protagonist. Fakhrul Arefin Khan, the producer, and Pauli completed the formal contract yesterday, on Wednesday, at the Decalogue Management Centre in Kolkata.
We still haven’t decided who will play Pauly’s opponent in the movie. Conversely, the director has disclosed to the press that he intends to select a domestic actor to play the role opposite Pauli. Almost immediately, he will finish it.
The director responded to a question about Paoli Dam’s performance in this upcoming film by saying, “One of the female characters in our narrative is Laila, which fits well with Paoli Dam, which is why we initially cast her in this role.” Following that, we contacted Pauli and provided him with the script, and he volunteered to appear in our film. With Pauly by our side, I am optimistic we can finish the task.
According to the producer’s statement, “Neel Jochna” production will begin in the final week of the following month and continue until the final week of July.