Desk report: After Hindi, Anirudhar’s new movie Jaya Ahsan, the beloved actress of Bengali, is going to act. The name of the movie is ‘Dear Mother’. She will be seen in the role of a mother. Chandan Roy Sanyal is playing the role of her husband. Shaswat Chatterjee played an important role. The child girl character is named Jhimli, who will be shown at two ages, five and twelve.
After ten years, Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury is returning to Tollywood as a director with the movie ‘Dear Ma’. Who earlier produced ‘Pink’, ‘Lost’, ‘Karak Singh’ in Bollywood. In 2014, he did the Bengali movie ‘Bunohans’ with Dev. Another form of bonding between parents and children in the nuclear family will emerge in this movie. The shooting of the movie will start from the third week of May. But before that, the producer is conducting a workshop with the actors. He said that both Jaya and Chandan are currently in Kolkata for the workshop.