The film “Ora 7 Jon”, directed by Khijir Hayat Khan, will eventually be released in theatres this year on March 3, 2023. Zakia Bari Mamo, the film’s leading lady, just announced the film’s premiere date on her official Facebook page.
The actress captioned the image: “The new year’s first film, “Ora 7 Jon,” directed by Khijir Hayat Khan, will have a fortunate release on March 3, 2023.”
“Ora 7 Jon” is a film about the independence war that focuses on the exploits of a group of seven freedom warriors named “Nishachar Bahini.” Reflecting on the brutal conditions of the battlefield during the liberation fight, the squad executes a delicate two-day mission. However, as the expedition lasted seven days, tensions erupted.
Intekhab dinar, Imtiaz Barshon, Saif Khan, Khalid Mahbub Turjo, Shahriar Ferdous Sazeeb, Joy Raj, and Hamidur Rahman also appear in the film.