Jaya Ahsan’s collaboration with director Srijit Mukherjee in films such as ‘Rajkahini’ and ‘Ek Je Hila Raja’ ceased for five years, during which she was not observed working under his supervision in the vicinity of Kolkata. In the present instance, Jaya once again assumed a position before the camera, under the guidance of Sreejith, for the production of the film titled ‘Dasham Avatar’. The film is being produced to be released during the forthcoming Pujo festival.
Now it is known that the shooting of the movie starring Jaya Ahsan has been stopped at the very end. It is known that Srijit is very ill. He has a fever. As a result, the camera had to be stopped with one day of shooting left.
According to Indian media, the last day of shooting of the movie was supposed to be in North Bengal. Jaya Ahsan and Anirban Bhattacharya will participate. But due to the director’s illness, it got postponed. So the shooting is planned again at the end of this month.