Aryan Khan, the son of Shah Rukh Khan, has been teasing the launch of his new clothing line called D’Yavol. The brand is labelled as ‘premium streetwear’. Aryan gave fans a sneak peek of the collection with a preview that included his famous father before the official announcement.
Talking about his brand D’Yavol with India Today, Aryan said, “We’re thinking of an apparel line that comes in March, and it will be brought to the consumer by limited edition capsule collections, made available to them via drops on our web store.”
“It’s been nearly five years since this lifestyle luxury collective was conceived. D’Yavol is finally here,” wrote Aryan Khan on social media as he unveiled the teaser for the brand, which he directed himself.
Aryan will soon be making his film debut. Simultaneously, he is working on his first feature film as a writer and director—which will be created under the banner of his parents’ production company, Red Chillies Entertainment.