In the upcoming web series “Kabadi,” directed by Rubayet Mahamud, two well-known “villains,” Dipjol and Misha Sawdagar, will appear alongside the main cast. The web series developers just released the teaser, and people are already getting excited.
“The show is a comic thriller in which four friends struggle to figure out the meaning of mysterious video footage. They also investigate the mysterious video footage’s impact on the 10 million takas. The humour in this is sure to be a hit with the crowd. They’re going to love this show, “remarked the film’s director. He continued, “Dipjol and Misha Sawdagor are both really great.”
The series also casts Sayed Zaman Shawon, Tamim Mridha, Khairul Basar, Sadia Ayman and Kamrun Nahar Dana, and Morshed Mishu, among others.