The Redbridge Drama Centre hosted the premiere of a bilingual Bengali and English translation of a drama on February 22, 2024. The production will conclude on February 24th and then embark on a tour around England under the title “INDIGO JIANT.”
Indigo Giant draws inspiration from Dinabandhu Mitra’s groundbreaking play Nil Darpan, which had a significant impact on colonial India. It explores a neglected moment in British history and a significant moment in Bengali history. This collaboration emerged from conversations between Bengali and British theatre artists.
During the British Raj, large areas of the Bengali countryside were dedicated to cultivating the indigo plant to satisfy the global demand for blue dye. Indigo growing was feasible only under conditions resembling slavery imposed by British plantation owners. The planters’ misdeeds sparked an extraordinary movement that permanently altered Bengali society.
Gavin Joseph directed the play, while Ben Musgrave wrote the indigo script. Komola Collective is in charge of the production, with Leasa Gazi serving as the dramaturge. The production is funded by Arts Council England and several other organisations.
The audience thoroughly enjoyed the show at the packed venue. Each artist was exceptional and executed their parts admirably. We wish that the upcoming concerts will be a resounding success for all parties concerned.