Parimani, a Dhallywood actress, has resolved her relationship issues with Shariful Raj. Pari Mani is currently occupied with her lone son, Rajya. In addition to her acting career, this actress dedicates all her time to her son. Pari Mani is now referred to as the state’s progenitors. Parimani frequently had different pleasures with her son. The heroine made sure to share them with the fans.
Parimani posted a new video featuring her son on her official Facebook account. In the video title, he expressed his affection by writing, ‘I love you, my Valentine.’ You belong to me. You are my inheritance and treasure.
Pari Mani celebrated Valentine’s Day by cutting a cake with her son Rajya on February 14th. The actress published the footage on social media today. Pari Mani was observed wearing a red saree in the video. She appeared stunning with her hair down and no makeup. Rajya donned a red Punjabi that matched her mother’s outfit. The footage captured the mother and son displaying smiles.