On the 25th of June, following the completion of his 31-year tenure in the Bollywood industry, Shah Rukh Khan conducted an impromptu ‘AskSRK’ session on the social media platform Twitter for his fanbase. The actor deftly navigated inquiries about his future cinematic work, “Jawan”, managing adverse reactions and his penchant for smoking.
One noteworthy occurrence was when a pregnant enthusiast intended to christen her twin babies, Pathaan and Jawan. Shah Rukh conveyed his felicitations while offering a humorous suggestion to exercise greater discernment in the selection of names.
The performer additionally provided remarks on the recent trip of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United States, during which he was welcomed with vocalisations of the well-known melody, “Chaiyya Chaiyya”, from the movie “Dil Se” in which SRK starred. In response to the occurrence above, Shah Rukh conveyed his inclination to partake in the dance routine associated with the event. However, he humorously alluded to the unlikelihood of a train being granted admittance to the premises.
It was asserted that the ability to captivate numerous individuals on multiple occasions was achieved. The individual in question communicated his priorities, underscoring the significance of dedicating oneself diligently to professional pursuits and exhibiting even greater affection towards one’s family.
Shah Rukh Khan is preparing for the forthcoming release of his film titled “Jawan”, scheduled to be released on the 7th of September. The film, helmed by Atlee, boasts a cast that includes Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi. Moreover, Rajkumar Hirani’s movie “Dunki” is now under production and stars SRK.