Model and actress Runa Khan is getting busy in the web world. Recently, the National Film Award-winning actress is acting in another new web film called ‘Shodh’, where he is framed in two different looks. In the meantime, the film has been shot at several places in Gazipur and Manikganj.
Directed by Shahriar Nazim Joy. Besides, this producer has also played an important role. Runa Khan said that the film is based on the story of love and revenge. The audience will get a chance to see him in two different forms. According to the actress, “It’s a challenging task to portray yourself in two forms in the same film.
I am a village housewife in one form and an urban modern woman in the other; it is not easy to make such two characters real on screen. Even then, I worked on the challenge so that I could break myself and present myself in a new way in acting. On the other hand, as there are twists and turns in the story of ‘Shodh’, there are shadows of familiar people in the characters; I hope that it will make an impression on the audience.”
Runa Khan, meanwhile, recently appeared in Masood Pathik’s film “Bak.” It is based on poet Jibanananda Das’ poem ‘Eight years ago, one day’. In which is presented the life story of a buck hunter named Suruj and his wife Savita. The scene of the film was shot at Lalpur Chanpur Char on the Meghna River. Runa Khan expressed great hope about the film.
Earlier, the actress came into the limelight by acting in Kaushik Shankar Das’ directed ‘Daphna’ and Gautam Kauri’s ‘Antah Nagar’. Apart from the web world, this actress is regularly working in TV dramas, telefilms, and movies. In addition to acting on stage, he has also won the appreciation of the audience.