The film “Maa Kali” features Abhishek Singh and Tollywood actress Raima Sen. Director Vijay Yalakanti is dedicated to shedding light on the brutal torture suffered by Bengalis during the pre-independence partition. Despite the challenges, including threatening phone calls received by Raima Sen, the team displayed resilience and completed the filming stage of the movie.
The movie “Maa Kali” has finally released its trailer. The preview provides a glimpse into the sorrowful past of partition, with a duration of one minute and 57 seconds. The communal riots on August 16, 1946, also known as “Direct Action Day” or “1946 Calcutta Killings” in history, serve as the backdrop for the film.
Raima directed the film, expressing a strong desire to draw attention to undisclosed incidents before the country’s independence. Despite the multitude of threats that arose following the release of the movie poster, I managed to finish the project. We have not yet determined the movie’s release date. We eagerly anticipate the imminent announcement of the release date.”