In the film ‘Lipstick’, Adar Azad and Pooja Cherry have been cast as a duo. The film’s production, helmed by Kamruzzaman Roman, is nearing completion, with approximately 80 percent of shooting being finished. Before that, the duo’s trajectory began with the Nakful film. The most recent development pertains to the commencement of production for the film ‘Lipstick’, which remains consistent with the previously reported timeline before the conclusion of the month of Adar. Additionally, it has been confirmed that actors Adar and Pooja Cherry have been cast in the director’s upcoming project.
On October 23, Pooja and Adar Azad were formally contracted for their involvement in the film. The title of their latest film is “Dardiya”. According to Pooja Cherry, there are a limited number of shooting days to complete lipstick production. Before this, I agreed to participate in a forthcoming film directed by this individual. I am similarly intrigued by the narrative of the film “Lipstick.” I readily became involved with the film.
According to the director, the film will be filmed outside of Dhaka. In the interim, the film ‘Nakful’, featuring Pooja Cherry in the lead role, is anticipating its release. In addition, there are just a few remaining scenes of the film ‘Masud Rana’. According to reports, there are plans to release this film in the upcoming year. However, other forthcoming films with Adar Azad are yet to be released.