Actress Mahiya Mahi returned to the movie after handling the busyness of children, family, and politics. Mostafizur Rahman also started shooting for Manik’s ‘Dark World’. However, the actress withdrew from the movie after the first day of shooting. She even said that he has returned 9 lakh taka of the remuneration taken for this movie.
It is known that after doing a scene on the first day of Mostafizur Rahman Manik’s production, the actress noticed a video of the producer during the break. Mahi was very upset. She clarified to the director that he would not work in the movie.
In this regard, Mahi said, “I don’t know that another heroine has taken me. It could be. Nothing wrong. But I did not like how the producer spoke in the media. He considered me a minor heroine. I felt very upset about it. I find it insulting. So I informed her that I would not do the movie the next day. The filmmaker called me several times after that, but I refused to work on the project.
When asked what the producer said about you to the media, Mahi said, ‘The producer’s language in response to a question of a media worker is that people’s dreams are very big. That dream is not always fulfilled. It was a dream to do the movie with Porimoni. I wanted to make this movie with him. She refused to do so. Later, when Mahi agreed, I took her. There was nothing to do. I didn’t think it was appropriate to say this to the media. I’ve been cut short. It seems that I do the movies that others have left. That’s why I stepped away from the movie.