The actress Shabnam Bubli is known for her roles in Dhakai films. She is making her debut in the Telugu film industry with the movie ‘Flashback’. Rashed Raha, the director of this movie, also cast well-known Kolkata performers Kaushik Ganguly and Saurabh Das alongside Bubli. Furthermore, the filming of the Kolkata episode has been concluded. The upcoming shooting will take place in Duars. The movie’s initial promotional poster has already been unveiled.
The movie features a musical number. Ishani Ghosh, a model and actress from Kolkata, is featured in the song.
Ishani said she will perform an item song in the film ‘Flashback’. The song possesses an exquisite and captivating tune—an exceedingly distinct melody.
It is worth mentioning that Ishani initially embarked on a career in modelling but has since transitioned to acting. She made her cinematic debut as a leading lady in Jio Jamai. Subsequently, he pursued a career in the film industry, based in the southern region.
She portrayed the role of the main character in the films ‘Akshatithu’ and ‘Suryakanti’. She just finished filming for the movie ‘Sajghar’, where she starred alongside Prosenjit Chatterjee. The release of his Bhojpuri film ‘Gaon Ki Zero Shabar Me Hero’ is pending.