Ashna Habib Bhavna, known for her acting and dancing talents, has an active presence on social media. She recently faced criticism for sharing a picture on her Instagram account. However, instead of staying silent, she chose to respond constructively. Bhavna shared a picture of herself and an interview on her Facebook page, and when faced with an inappropriate remark from someone named “Mamun Mia,” she addressed it by sharing a screenshot of the comment on her Facebook page and tagging Mamun Mia in the post.
Bhavna emphasised the importance of providing these individuals with significant attention during that period. On his “Digital Creator” Facebook page, he shared the words “Mamun Mia” for all to see, including his family, partner, spouse, and friends.
Despite Mamun Mia’s failure to respond to her post, abusive comments flooded the page’s comments section. It’s important to recognise that this actress has faced criticism multiple times, indicating the need for greater understanding and support.