Idhika Pal, the heroine of Shakib Khan’s ‘Priyatma’, has been cast in Dev’s upcoming film. The film is titled ‘Khadan’. However, even after everything was settled, the actress chose to keep the news a secret. Idhika is thrilled to have the chance to work alongside an actor of Dev’s calibre.
She expressed, ‘I feel quite content.’ I’ll do my utmost. I hope to have the audience’s support, just like in the past, when he is with me.
Idhika has recently begun filming a Tollywood movie alongside Soham Chakraborty. The shooting of that film is still pending. According to that perspective, ‘Khadan’ is set to be his next movie in Tollywood.
Idhika starred alongside Dhallywood superstar Shakib Khan in the film ‘Priyatma’. He is starring alongside Shariful Raj in a Dhaliwood film called ‘Kabi’. Later, he became a part of Dev’s movies. Currently, Idhika is diligently preparing for the ‘Khadan’.