We are finally in Spring, days are getting longer and the weather is getting (slightly) better, so now is the perfect time to go outdoors and get more active! You do not have to go outside and walk for hours, just a daily 10 minute brisk walk has lots of health benefits. It is recommended that adults should aim for 150 minutes of activity a week and try to exercise everyday, so whether you’re working from home or in the office, why not go out for a quick walk to get those steps in.
It is medically proven that people who exercise regularly are at a lower risk of developing severe health conditions such as:
– Heart attacks and strokes
– Diabetes (type 2)
– Cancer (bowel and breast cancer)
– Arthritis
– Hip fractures and falls
– Depression
– Dementia
We understand that everyone has very busy schedules, whether its work, home or even their social life, but here are some tips to stay motivated:
Make Walking Part of Your Routine
Whether you take public transport, drive to work or work from home, you can make adjustments to make walking part of your daily routine. If you drive, consider parking your car a little further from your workplace, walk in to work and choose to take the stairs instead of the lift.
If you take public transport, you could get off 1 or 2 stops earlier and walkto work, or you can walk an alternative route which might take a littlelonger. Take a brisk walk around the block if you work from home beforework, during lunch or even after you have finished work.
Listen to Music or a Podcast
Listening to a podcast or your favourite music (mine is Bollywood) willhelp take your mind off the walk and the effort. Also listening to fastermusic will get you in a rhythm and even make you walk faster, burningeven more calories. Just remember to be careful if walking on the streetsand crossing roads to look out for any traffic.
Find New Routes
Keep walking fun and interesting by taking new routes or walking in newareas. Mix it up and explore your local area or somewhere completelynew. I recently visited a local park for a walk and discovered a whole newarea with amazing bluebell fields, so you never know what you may find.