The film ‘Tumi Acho Tumi Nei’ marked Parthana Dighi’s inaugural role as a female protagonist in 2021. Following that, he appeared in the films ‘Tungipara’s Miyabhai’ and ‘Mujeeb: A Nation Shaper’.
Dighi did not return to the film industry with the most recent government-funded film, ‘Shravan Jyotsnaya’. Dighi’s trajectory commenced with a novel cinematic production premiere in the upcoming year; nonetheless, the actress needed to be more informed of the film’s release.
Dighi’s recent photo shoot has been widely shared on various social media platforms. Photographer Raf shared the photographs on his personal webpage. Communication with Dighi is contingent upon that image. Have there been any recent developments in work beyond stage performances or bridal shoots? Dighi’s response is affirmative. However, it is now not advisable to open the mouth. I am unable to provide any statements.
However, Dighi uttered a few words. He revealed that he is actively producing two online films. Two over-the-top (OTT) platforms are Charkir and Deepta Player. Both books are exceptional narratives. The plot is male-centric. I am unable to provide any further official statements. They will inform you. This differs from his inaugural appearance in a web video; he has already produced other OTT films. However, the movies on the big screen are limited. Nevertheless, he became acquainted with the audience through his endeavours in cinema.