Recently, Xefer Rahman, a singer, released a new English song named “Spicy.” This song uses two lines from Nargis Akhtar’s “Sona Bandhu Tui Amare.” Numerous social media sites have extensively circulated the music video, leading to online users criticizing and harassing Xefer.
In a recent media interview, singer Xefer addressed the criticism he has been receiving. When asked if the criticism affects him, Xefer responded that it doesn’t. He emphasised the importance of ignoring online trolls and staying focused on his goals. Despite the negative feedback, Xefer remains confident in his abilities and aims to prove his worth through his work.
Xefer also stated that the prevalence of online criticism is largely due to the internet’s accessibility, which allows people to express their opinions without fully understanding the context. He emphasized the involvement of others in the song’s creation and clarified that he was not responsible for the specific aspects of the parodied song.
Overall, Xefer seems to be handling the criticism with confidence and resilience.