All of the famous directors and producers were going to make movies with the children of Bollywood stars. Karan Johar was also waiting to see when Amitabh’s grandson Shah Rukh’s daughter would bring Saif’s sons to the big screen. So Jaya Akhtar, a producer in Bollywood, took that chance. He worked with the children of several Bollywood stars to make the movie “The Archie.”
Just now, the Archie teaser came out. This movie is the first one for Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan, Amitabh’s grandson Augusta Nanda, and Sridevi’s youngest daughter Khushi Kapoor. So there is a new group of actors in Bollywood. Saif Ali Khan’s son Ibrahim Ali Khan also plays a part in the movie. The teaser for the movie says that young Bollywood is ready for movie fans.
Jaya Akhtar put a picture of the popular comic character “Archie” on Instagram a few days ago. The caption says, “This time, Archie is coming as himself and will be on Netflix with the famous Archie. With the new Bollywood generation. Khushi, Sridevi’s youngest daughter, is playing the role of Betty Cooper. Amitabh’s grandson Archie, on the other hand, has become the tide. In 2023, you will be able to watch the movie on Netflix.
When the star’s children tried to follow in their parents’ footsteps and get jobs, they were accused of taking advantage of the alliance between their parents and the star. As a result, Bollywood is still causing a lot of trouble. In the movie, you can also see Shah Rukh’s daughter Suhana, Sridevi’s youngest daughter Khushi Kapoor, and Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson Augusta Nanda. Jaya Akhtar’s new movie will have these three young men from the star’s house. The controversy began when the news came out. The critics said they got the spot so quickly that it was like the star’s child.