Following the birth of her second child, renowned Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan resumed her acting career by starring in Sujoy Ghosh’s film,’Jane Jaan’. However, his performance did not resonate with the viewers on the Netflix platform. Nevertheless, Kareena’s performance has garnered acclaim. Meanwhile, Kareena Kapoor is poised to make a fresh and invigorating appearance. Kareena assumed the character of a detective for the inaugural occasion.
In director Hansal Mehta’s film ‘The Buckingham Murders’, the protagonist will be observed as she gradually uncovers the enigma. She will play Jasmeet Bhamra, a detective, in this movie. The investigator in question has experienced the personal tragedy of losing his offspring and now finds himself entrusted with investigating the homicide of a ten-year-old child. The focal point of the events under discussion is located in Buckinghamshire, England.
Kareena has disseminated a series of visual representations depicting her fictional persona on the popular social media platform Instagram. Jasmeet Kareena occasionally observed her surroundings through the transparent window, alternating with moments of deep contemplation.
With substantial emotional depth, the protagonist recounts her personal journey in portraying the character of Jasmeet, also known as Jas. The author expresses their anticipation of showing the character of Jass in cinema, a role they had eagerly awaited for 23 years. The individual possesses a fondness for detective narratives. I had a solid desire to assume the role of a female investigator. I have ultimately discovered the woman I aspire to identify with and align myself with. In addition to Kareena, the film features Ash Tandon, Ranveer Brar, and Keith Allen.