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What is Machine Learning? Emerj Artificial Intelligence Research Gaussian processes are popular surrogate models in Bayesian optimization used to do hyperparameter optimization. Browse hundreds of articles, containing an amazing number of useful tools, techniques, and best practices. Many readers tell us they would have paid consultants for the advice in these articles. But social media … Read more
London Mahotsav 2024: A Resplendent Celebration of Bengali Culture on the Global Front A two-day long cultural extravaganza held in the heart of London to celebrate the shared heritage of both sides of Bengal SAYANTAN DAS ADHIKARI London, April 23, 2024: London Mahotsav 2024, a distinguished celebration of Indian culture, concluded with resounding success, leaving … Read more
By: AL- MARUF An animal that smells like the rice of Polao is called Asian Palm Civet. They are so named because of their smell. In our country it is also known as Khatash. Khatash or Asian Palm Civet is about to disappear from nature. Some people call this nocturnal animal as Bagdash, Bham or … Read more
In the spirit of Pahela Baishakh By: JULIAN FRANCIS The celebration of the Bangla New Year is a relatively recent event. However, for thousands of years, people have observed the celebration known as “Songkran” in Bangladesh and “Songkran” in Thailand. The Sanskrit word “Sankranta” means “a transition or alteration.” It is associated with the Zodiac … Read more
While the fashion industry may overlook batik prints, it is a fabric that is beloved by many. Children, teenagers, and the elderly alike favor batik clothing due to its versatility and style. Moreover, women of all ages and skin tones can wear batik clothing with ease, as the fabric comes in a variety of colours … Read more
SOURAV KHIANG A community residing in the mountainous region of Bangladesh comprises individuals classified under the Khiang ethnic group. Other ethnic groups share a common history, traditions, customs, a portion of the alphabet, and a primary tongue. The Bandarban district of Bangladesh encompasses the Thanchi and Rowangchari upazilas, the Bandarban Sadar upazila, and the Rangamati … Read more
May Day is a significant holiday that recognises workers’ human rights. It is a reminder of the brutality and opposition to injustice, torture, and human rights violations that workers have experienced. People around the world celebrate International Labour Day on May 1. On this day in 1886, Chicago workers went on strike to demand a … Read more
Many people worry about what they will be comfortable wearing in the summer. They believe it is essential to maintain their uniqueness while being relaxed and attractive. This is feasible because comfort and beauty can coexist without conflict. During the summer, it’s important to wear comfortable and heat-resistant clothing that also looks good on you. … Read more
By: DR. AZIZUR RAHMAN The human body’s ideal temperature is 37 degrees Celsius, or 98.4 degrees Fahrenheit. When the body temperature rises, it dilates the blood vessels to release the extra heat to the surroundings. Sweating is another method by which the body cools itself. However, if the body temperature rises above 105 degrees Fahrenheit … Read more
We’ve all heard about bananas, and most of us consume them every day. Though they come from the same source, eating a banana and a mocha have different physiological effects. This grain has several therapeutic qualities. Mocha is rich in phosphorus, iron, and vitamins. What effects does regular mocha consumption have on a person’s body? … Read more
Summertime can be challenging due to high humidity and heat. This weather can cause various skin issues and pose a greater risk to young people. During the summer, dehydration can cause the skin to become dull and discoloured, as well as dry. Physical activity, water intake, and weather generally influence the degree of dehydration. Dehydration … Read more
Desk report: When things that happened a long time ago keep making headlines, it’s natural for people to talk about them. His evidence surfaced again after a video went viral a few days ago. In the newly released video, Bollywood star Preity Zinta explored the culture’s quirks and realities. In a video interview that appeared … Read more
Her constant desire to participate in various activities drives her. When circumstances permit one to express oneself through acting, Tareen, a model and actress from Nandit, has the upper hand. Because of this, he maintains an entirely different persona from the audience. Yesterday, in Kolkata, his film “It’s Our Story” was open to the general … Read more
Desk report: After Hindi, Anirudhar’s new movie Jaya Ahsan, the beloved actress of Bengali, is going to act. The name of the movie is ‘Dear Mother’. She will be seen in the role of a mother. Chandan Roy Sanyal is playing the role of her husband. Shaswat Chatterjee played an important role. The child girl … Read more
Pauly Dam, a well-known West Bengali actress, will star in the film directed by Bangladeshi filmmaker Arefin. Within the role, she will portray Laila, the female protagonist. Fakhrul Arefin Khan, the producer, and Pauli completed the formal contract yesterday, on Wednesday, at the Decalogue Management Centre in Kolkata. We still haven’t decided who will play … Read more
Raima Sen likely did not anticipate receiving threats for her involvement in a film. Indeed, this actress from Kolkata has had that particular experience. In addition to her work in Bengali cinema, Raima has had a long-standing career in Bollywood. Recently, I began my acting career in the film ‘Maa Kali’. The movie’s plot centres … Read more
Bollywood celebrities frequently express their opinions about nepotism. Actress Vidya Balan is also a member of that organisation. Before this, the actress repeatedly addressed the issue of nepotism. Bidya Balan participated in a media dialogue to endorse her forthcoming film. In response to the presence of nepotism, the actress confidently stated, “Regardless of whether nepotism … Read more
The ‘Suchitra Sen International Bangla Film Festival’ is held at the Jamaica Performing Arts Centre in New York. It is scheduled to take place on April 20–21 to commemorate the renowned heroine of the subcontinent, Suchitra Sen. This festival featured the world premiere of the film Neelapadma. The festival received numerous film submissions from both … Read more