Recently, the Ministry of Information gave the green signal to release Hindi films in Bangladesh. Through a press conference, both the ministry and 19 film-related organisations agreed that every year, 10 Hindi films should be released in Bangladeshi theatres. Actor Dipjol has been expressing his anger over the matter, even commenting that Hindi films have obscene content in their films.
In the get-together of film actors and directors last 24 February, the actor further commented, “Why would Hindi films be imported on the month of mother language commemoration? We have enough audiences that swarm to cinema halls that were seen last Eid. If we give the viewers good stories, they will want to watch more. We should find the solutions ourselves. Hindi cinemas are not a solution; if needed, we will get on the roads again wearing ‘Kafon’ “.
The actor also remarked that asking for a percentage of the profit is wrong, calling it unethical. Dipjol raised why the Film Artistes Association has chosen to help film artists from the percentage earned from Hindi films rather than any other way.
“When similar issues arose last time, we rose against it ourselves. That is the solution, not Hindi films. I believe that Bangladeshi people want to see Bangla films, not Hindi. So I believe our industry will rise again,” said the actor.
In 2015, film artists marched on the streets wearing funeral shrouds in protest against film importation.