The action-thriller movie “Before I Die” is going to be released simultaneously in four countries, including Bangladesh, next December! The film is slated for simultaneous release in Bangladesh, the United Kingdom, the United States, and India, said director Minhaj Kibria.
He made the remarks at a press conference at the Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel in Dhaka on Saturday (November 6) evening. The film’s protagonist Ifti Ahmed, heroine Afri Selina and other actors were also present on the occasion.
The movie “Before I Die” is made with the suffocating incident of assassination. The director of the film said that no such film has been made in Bangladesh before with such content.
He added that the film has been made with all classes of viewers in mind.
The shooting of the film was completed in different locations in London and Dhaka last year. The film also stars Aman Reza, Shampa Reza, Laboni Marma, Sanku Panja and many more.