During the recent episode of the weekly comedy show, “Case Toh Banta Hai”, the typically calm and composed Abhishek Bachchan lost his patience after hearing a joke about his father— Amitabh Bachchan.
Abhishek left the show in the middle of the shooting after raising objections about a joke on Amitabh, which comedian Paritosh Tripathi performed.
After Paritosh’s joke, Abhishek told the shooting team, “It’s getting a bit too much. I’m okay with jokes about myself. But let’s not get our parents involved in this. I am a bit sensitive about my dad.”
“Case Toh Banta Hai” is a courtroom comedy series on Amazon mini tv, starring Bollywood actor Riteish Deshmukh as the public attorney. At the same time, Varun Sharma is the defence attorney for Bollywood superstars facing bizarre accusations.