Sheikh Mujib is the largest and heaviest body Bangladesh carries in its burial. One of Humayun Azad’s statements can be utilised to express the severity and significance of the assassination of Sheikh Mujib. Numerous political assassinations have occurred throughout world history. It could happen in the future.
However, the assassination of Sheikh Mujib cut through the labour and suffering of oppressed people worldwide, making it more difficult for them to protest. Sheikh Mujib was viewed as a symbol of the voice of the world’s oppressed and oppressors. As a spokesperson for the third world, he could express his speech’s significance to the world. He stated that he would fight to the death for the oppressed and use his life to establish the validity of their claims.
He represented the voice of the impoverished and suffering till his death. He was mercilessly murdered on Bengali soil. The murder was the most violent of all the acts. Sheikh Mujib’s assassination was one of the most politically significant and horrible killings in history. Bengalis are still in sorrow for Bangabandhu. Everyone has an obligation to their own conscience.
Bangla, Bengali, Bangladesh, and Bangabandhu are all related. Bangabandhu focused everything he did during his life on the fight for Bengali independence. He left his youth and family responsibilities behind because he thought his life was not important for the people of Bengal to be free. He wanted his Bengali to be on the map of the world with pride.
So, he worked toward his goal and helped the Bengali people take small steps toward independence. Because of this, Bangabandhu’s lifelong dream of independence came true for the Bengali people. Bangabandhu’s efforts alone and over a long period have given the Bengali people the power of freedom. He cared a lot about Bengalis getting their independence and used his fighting spirit in the real world. So, Bangabandhu had a very interesting life full of fights against many different things.
I’ve tried to give you a better idea of what kind of leader Bangabandhu was. First of all, no other world leader has had as many books written about them or in their honour as Bangabandhu. Second, Bangabandhu made politics his job and learned everything he could about it. Third, most of the 7.5 crore Bengalis who died in the freedom struggle at the time were led by Bangabandhu’s finger. Fourth, no one has yet questioned the independence that Bangabandhu’s leadership brought about.
In other words, no one has said that Bangladesh didn’t need to be independent. Fifth, Bangabandhu and his family never felt the shine of power even after independence. He ran Gana Bhavan/Banga Bhavan and lived a simple life at No. 32, Dhanmondi. Even though he was the Prime Minister of an independent Bangladesh on the sixth, the activists called him “Dear Mujib Bhai.” Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, known as the father of the nation, had so many different qualities. It’s important to note that Bangabandhu’s published autobiography has been translated into many languages and is already used as a guide for new politicians.
Bengalis mourn during the month of August. Because, on the night of August 15, 1975, some misguided army members killed Bangabandhu, Bangamata, and the rest of the family in a plot by local and foreign criminals. But Bangabandhu could never have thought that the Bengali would kill Bangabandhu’s family.
Bangabandhu had given up his happiness and comfort for the Bengali his whole life. Even though Bangabandhu’s death was talked about over and over again in the news and by domestic and foreign intelligence agencies, he stayed calm. He said, “A Bengali can’t kill me.” So even though Bangabandhu was strong and the western world pressured Pakistan, Pakistan did not try to kill Bangabandhu, even though it had many chances to do so.
He was thinking about the Bengali for whom he had given his life, and he wondered how that Bengali could have been so brave as to kill him. Sheikh Mujib didn’t believe any spy report that said this. Bengalis have a lot of faith because Sheikh Mujib and his family were killed.
When I think about how terrible what happened was, I get shivers. As you might guess, the killers didn’t spare little Russell. The woman who was pregnant was not spared. So what did the people who did the killing plan to do? Only Bangabandhu’s two daughters were left alone because they were out of the country. The people who killed Bangabandhu thought that if anyone from his family were still alive, he would have a loud voice like Bangabandhu.
Everyone was killed because of this. The killings on August 15 were the worst killings that have ever happened in the world. This kind of thing hasn’t happened very often in the world’s political history. Killing a strong leader like Bangabandhu is not an easy mission. Bengali soldiers killed the “Father of Freedom,” but Pakistani generals would have kept quiet in front of Bangabandhu. This is a very overstated and thoughtless claim. There are still bullet holes in house number 32 in Dhanmondi.
When asked why Bangabandhu was killed, first of all, the murder gang and their goons couldn’t accept that Bangabandhu gave Bangladesh independence, and this gang has been bad-mouthing Bangabandhu ever since. Second, Bangabandhu got into trouble with a group of people who took advantage of him because he worked on a project to free the economy. Because the bad people knew that if Bangabandhu’s economic plan was put into place, it would make a big difference in how the ordinary people lived.
Third, some people in the West at the time couldn’t accept Bangabandhu’s charismatic leadership because, as the head of the new state, Bangabandhu started taking positive steps both inside and outside of Bangladesh. Fourth, Bangabandhu never took the anti-independence group’s plots seriously.
He thought that a Bengali could never hurt Bangabandhu. Fifth, the people who killed Bangabandhu were those who didn’t want the country’s independence to mean anything. As a result of Bangabandhu’s death, the Bengali people have gone back thousands of years, which is bad for their progress and unity. Later, everyone agreed that Bengal was a state with a lot of murders. Because the crooked gang of Bengal killed the man who started the independent country and got hooked on killing, the misguided people in the gang put the country in danger.
The structure of the state and the balance of the state are both gone. Bangladesh was completely destroyed on August 15, 1975, and a military government took over. The governments of the time did everything they could to kill the spirit of freedom. Later, the people who admitted to killing Bangabandhu were rewarded in different ways. People who admitted to killing people were given jobs in different embassies. By making the Freedom Party, the people who killed Sheikh Mujib also had a voice in parliament. With the help of the powerful rulers, Bangabandhu was killed by killers.
Also, bypassing the Indemnity Ordinance, the murderous group made it impossible for Bangabandhu’s murder to be tried in court. But Mujib’s fans were determined to build a dream gold Bengal in the spirit of the liberation war. So the people who liked Mujib stood together against all odds. As a result, the Bangladesh Awami League came to power, took over the Bangabandhu murder trial, and saw it through to the end.
The attempted assassination of Sheikh Hasina on August 21
August 21 2004, 5:45 p.m. At that time, opposition leader Sheikh Hasina was attacked after giving a speech against the terrorist activities of the then-BNP government. The speech was held in front of the Awami League political office at 23 Bangabandhu Avenue and was organised by the Awami League Secchasebak League. Then everything began to go wrong. Unpredictable grenade attack This horrible massacre happened in world history, not in Bangladesh. Attack after attack kept coming. Not two or thirteen grenades went off. After that, a fire broke out.
At the end of the explosion, it became clear that this was not just noise. It was an infernal carnage.
In the grenade attack on August 21, 16 people were killed on the spot, according to different news sources and the Awami League. Later, eight more died in different hospitals. Altogether, 24 people died during the procession. The grenade attack on August 21 is still being tried in court.
The killing of Bangabandhu was the most violent and worst part of Bangladesh’s political history. Then someone tried to kill Sheikh Hasina. In August of this year, A circle was involved in a plot and an attempt to kill someone. There have been 20 plans for this murder. Sheikh Hasina made it through by some miracle. But the plotters still stopped after that. Those who didn’t stop killing the nation’s father are now planning to kill Sheikh Hasina in different ways and in different places.
August is the time to be sad. August is the time to be sad. Application to the Government of Bangladesh this month: The rest of Bangabandhu’s killers should be brought back to the country as soon as possible, and the court-ordered peace should be put into place so that Bengalis can have at least some peace. We remember the founder of our country with a humble heart.